“Women in War” art exhibition


Featuring 24 artists


Envisioned by HH Sheikha Intisar AlSabah

Curated by Amira Behbehani

Kuwait, 2017


“Women in War” art exhibition, which was launched by HH Sheikha Intisar AlSabah and curated by the renowned Kuwaiti artist Amira Behbehani, was held in Kuwait in 2017. 

It featured 24 artists who dedicated their artworks to raising awareness of the plight of Arab women during armed conflicts.

The exhibition was inspired by HH Sheikha Intisar AlSabah’s collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross on a roundtable entitled “Women in War” that aimed to highlight the challenges faced by women in war-torn areas. 

It was also then that HH Sheikha Intisar AlSabah learnt that no mental health support was being offered to Arab women traumatised by war and violence.

The appalling discovery left an indelible imprint on her, its effects reverberating in her work ever since. 

Shortly after the roundtable, HH Sheikha Intisar AlSabah founded the Intisar Foundation with a specific aim to foster Peace across the Arab world by self-empowering Arab women traumatised by war and violence.