Amani Al Thuwaini is a Kuwaiti artist and designer, born in Ukraine in 1989.
Amani Al Thuwaini believes that the cultural duality she inherited through her Kuwaiti and Ukrainian roots greatly influenced her unique awareness of identity and culture, impelling her to explore this in her work. This duality offers a unique perspective, whereby she can often see through the eyes of the ‘other’, consciously becoming the spectator; observing, analyzing and absorbing the varying facets that form cultural identities. Using an interdisciplinary approach, Al Thuwaini combines individual and collective narratives with symbols that are open to differing cultural interpretations.
Officially registered as a humanitarian organisation with the Charity Commission for England and Wales in 2019, Intisar Foundation is the first charitable organisation in the Middle East dedicated to providing psychological support programmes of drama therapy to Arab women affected by the brutality of war and violence.
Intisar Foundation
McCarthy Denning, Suite 102,
70 Mark Lane, London, EC3R 7NQ
UK Registration Charity Number: 1182384