Riyadh Ne'emah

Riyadh Ne'emah

Born in 1968 in Baghdad, Iraq, Riyadh Ne’emah obtained his B.A. in Fine Arts with a specialization in Painting in 1992. Amid the upheaval of Saddam Hussein’s rule and his attempts at totalitarian control in Iraq, Ne’emah belongs to a generation of visual artists who joined forces in a potent movement of contemporary Iraqi art. Together, they sought creative liberation, pushing against the constraints enforced by the oppressive regime.

Style & Media: Riyadh Ne’emah’s artistic creations showcase striking juxtapositions of colour, featuring crisp and unpredictable lines, while the paint itself takes on a distinctly lyrical quality. Thus, his canvases, characterised by abstraction and unpredictability, resemble musical compositions. The interplay of dynamic brushstrokes, subdued colour palettes, and enigmatic subjects, elicit a profound sense of self-reflection and nostalgia for a bygone childhood.

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