Thaer Maarouf was born in Shahba, Syria in 1972. He studied at the Lebanese University in Beirut, he holds a Master’s degree in fine arts from the Lebanese University in Beirut, Lebanon.
His work has been featured at several collective exhibits in Dubai , Lebanon, Syria, France and Austria, as well as at solo exhibits in Damascus, Lebanon, Singapore, Philippines , London, Holland and Austria and he features in the permanent collections of Middle Eastern museums; USA and Singapore.
His work is noted for its use of symbolism to highlight human rights issues in the Middle East, as well as the conditions of the displaced populations affected by the regional upheaval in the Levant.
Thaer Maarouf’s art has graduated to touch the post-modern stage.
He embraces a wide array of techniques and artistic mediums, forging a strong connection of the present time with the early days of conceptual art.
Officially registered as a humanitarian organisation with the Charity Commission for England and Wales in 2019, Intisar Foundation is the first charitable organisation in the Middle East dedicated to providing psychological support programmes of drama therapy to Arab women affected by the brutality of war and violence.
Intisar Foundation
McCarthy Denning, Suite 102,
70 Mark Lane, London, EC3R 7NQ
UK Registration Charity Number: 1182384