Rose’s story


“The weight of the secrets that I carry has now subsided”


Rose, 53 Lebanese

Widow,  mother of 3


Lives in Beirut, Lebanon


“I now believe that if we do not talk about our troubles they will never get resolved.
There were many things that I had never shared with anyone, but I was able to freely talk about them during the foundation’s drama therapy sessions. This was the cure to the pain I had been suffering. The weight of the secrets that I carry has now subsided.”


My name is Rose, I’m a 53-year-old Lebanese woman, born and raised in Tripoli. I studied until the 10th grade. I create and sell up-cycled artisanal handicraft.


I am recently widowed and live with my children.


My husband’s death was the most recent traumatic event that I experienced. On the day of his death, and as the days were passing, I was experiencing many emotions. It is a great loss that happens to many families, but I was struggling within myself because my husband was not always a good man, he was often a bad-tempered person. Therefore, for weeks, I found myself torn with guilt, while also trying to properly process my children’s reactions to his death, especially because several other deaths happened in our family around the same time.


When I first learned about the Intisar Foundation’s drama therapy programmes in 2018, I decided to join because I felt that I needed to get out of myself and to get my mind off the daily stressors that I faced. On one hand, I have always enjoyed volunteering in my local civil societies, taking part in their many seminars and activities. On the other hand, there were things within me which I had hidden from myself, which I could not even admit to myself, and which I ran away from. I felt a need to make sense of all these things. Therefore, I jumped at the opportunity of being able to join a psychological support programme.


Throughout the sessions, I noticed changes with my thinking patterns, my behaviours, my personality. People around me also started to point out positive changes in me. I felt more comfortable with myself, and I was able to see the good and the bad in myself more clearly, learning how to use my personality traits more beneficially. I started to express myself without fear.


With the help of the drama therapy programme, I came out of the shell I had built around myself and started facing everything head on. I have accepted myself. My perception of my problems became clearer, and I am better in tune with my thoughts and emotions. This has allowed me to work on my problems in a better way.


Before the programme, I often felt that those around me treated me like I was weak. Now, I am more positive with myself and others which has changed how people treat me. I see myself as more confident and this has changed how others see me too.


I have started to share my opinion openly, assertively and bravely, standing my ground when I’m right. I have started to encourage those around me to also change. However, I did not need to push anyone because they would ask me, “What has changed?” and they would be encouraged to join the foundation’s drama therapy programme.


I encourage all Arab women to join the drama therapy programme from the Intisar foundation. My personal experience with the facilitator and staff was amazing. They are kind, well-equipped to handle all kinds of problems, they entered my heart and removed the sadness and fixed many things.


I now believe that if we do not talk about our troubles they will never get resolved. There were many things that I had never shared with anyone, but I was able to freely talk about them during the foundation’s drama therapy sessions. This was the cure to the pain I had been suffering. The weight of the secrets that I carry has now subsided.


I pray with all my heart that the Intisar Foundation continues its efforts for all women in the Arab world. I saw with my eyes the changes that happened in the group of women I worked with.


“With the help of the drama therapy programme, I came out of the shell I had built around myself and started facing everything head on. I have accepted myself. My perception of my problems became clearer, and I am better in tune with my thoughts and emotions. This has allowed me to work on my problems in a better way.

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