HH Sheikha Intisar Takes Part in WHF 2021

HH Sheikha Intisar AlSabah, founder and Chairwoman of Intisar Foundation, took part in the World Humanitarian Forum’s discussion entitled “Re-Defining Equality.”


HH Sheikha Intisar was joined by Dr Salma Nims, Secretary General at Jordanian National Commission for Women in Jordan, Tawakkol Karman, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, and Lord Simon Woolley, Former Chair at Race Disparity Unit Advisory Group. The discussion was moderated by Simon Rodgers, People Director, One Young World. 


World Humanitarian Forum is the largest and most inclusive nonpartisan forum in humanitarian aid and international development. It brings together decision-makers and opinion-formers in the public, private and non-profit sectors, as well as the next generation of partnership-builders.


The 2021 World Humanitarian Forum event explored a potential re-definition of the term equality in order for it to remain a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world.


For more highlights from this though-provoking discussion, please watch our video below. 




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