Our Impact


Our #1MillionArabWomen initiative is a 30-year-plan to alleviate war and violence trauma in one million Arab women through the use of drama therapy.


After years of war and armed conflict across the Arab world, today we have millions of internally and externally displaced people, struggling each day to cope with the striving horrors they did not choose to see or face.


Among them, Arab women are considered to be the most vulnerable to the psychological impact of wars and violence of all kinds, as they are often the most badly affected and least likely to be the perpetrators of violence, while they hold enormous potential for restoring Peace in the Arab world.


In ensuring the psychological recovery and psychosocial progress of Arab women traumatised by war and violence, our #1MillionArabWomen initiative is intrinsic to the success of any sustainable Peacebuilding effort in the Arab world and beyond.

Education in Drama Therapy

We pledge to expand the pool of knowledgeable and qualified drama therapists in the Middle East, hoping that they will apply their knowledge in their cultures, languages, and communities, and help us accomplish our One Million Arab Women initiative.


To achieve our goal – to educate more than 600 drama therapists and facilitators by 2050 – we have taken a two-fold approach which includes:


• Forging close partnerships with universities and other educational institutions in order to establish a master’s curriculum in drama therapy across the Middle East.


• Introducing scholarship programmes for female Arab students from around the MENA region, allowing them to earn a master’s degree in drama therapy free of cost.


Our team of drama therapists and researchers works on research projects that explore the qualitative and quantitative impact of drama therapy on vulnerable populations. This work is expected to significantly contribute to the field of drama therapy, mental health, and psychosocial support in the Arab world and beyond.


We ensure that our work meets the highest quality standards due to being supervised by the Intisar Foundation’s Technical Committee compromising of the world-renowned experts in drama therapy.

We continue to work on several research projects that explore the qualitative and quantitative impact of drama therapy on vulnerable populations.

Stories of empowerment

Our approach is sustainable and rooted in evidence of success. The personal stories you are about to read and watch here will show you how our #1MillionArabWomen For Peace make a real and lasting change in their lives.


Hear Her Words

Our Impact


of our participants experienced reduction in



of our participants experienced reduction in



of our participants experienced reduction in



of the participants experienced improvement in

Satisfaction with life


of the participants experienced increased

Positive emotional experiences

*based on a pilot study conducted in Shatila Refugee Camp between 2019 and 2020 using psychometric scales

In Numbers We Have


642+ women

affected by trauma


5395+ hours

of field work


5 Events


6 Plays

We Support UN SDGs

Focusing our aligned work with the UN Sustainable Development Goals of  SDG3 (Good Health & Wellbeing), SDG4 (Quality Education),  SDG5 (Gender Equality) , SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production),  SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institution), and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals)