“Women in War” art exhibition
“Women in War” art exhibition
Under the patronage of HH Sheikha Intisar AlSabah
“Women In War – Palestine” art exhibition
Featuring 100 artists from more than 20 countries
Curated by Amira Behbehani
Organised by Intisar Foundation
September 24, 2024
CAP Gallery, Kuwait
In 2024, HH Sheikha Intisar AlSabah, Intisar Foundation, and Amira Behbehani have joined forces again to work on the second edition of the “Women in War” exhibition.
Entitled “Women In War – Palestine”, the exhibition is their global call for Peace in the Arab world, and more specifically, in Palestine.
The “Women In War – Palestine” exhibition promises a masterly examination of the entwined forces that give strength to Palestinian people to survive one more day throughout the extraordinary destruction of their land.
The exhibition will not be just a display of art, but it will aim to inspire action with a pledge to donate all proceeds from the sale of the artworks to funding psychological support programmes for Palestinian families.
You can watch the highlights of exhibition.
Spotlight on Our Partners
We are excited to introduce our valued partners, whose support and innovation are crucial to our collective achievements.
Officially registered as a humanitarian organisation with the Charity Commission for England and Wales in 2019, Intisar Foundation is the first charitable organisation in the Middle East dedicated to providing psychological support programmes of drama therapy to Arab women affected by the brutality of war and violence.
Intisar Foundation
McCarthy Denning, Suite 102,
70 Mark Lane, London, EC3R 7NQ
UK Registration Charity Number: 1182384